John Christopher McGinley
John Christopher McGinley
John Christopher McGinley
USA 03.08.1959

Attore, sceneggiatore e produttore originario di New York, è famoso per il ruolo del Dr. Perry Cox nella serie tv Scrubs. Ha studiato alla Tisch School of the Arts di New York. Il primo ruolo di successo l'ha...
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Exception in rendering!

Message: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
    at t.s.value (<eval>:353:15918)
    at A._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext (<eval>:74:31943)
    at A._renderValidatedComponent (<eval>:75:27)
    at A.performInitialMount (<eval>:74:27889)
    at A.mountComponent (<eval>:74:26935)
    at Object.a.mountComponent (<eval>:51:9183)
    at m.Mixin.mountChildren (<eval>:74:21264)
    at m.Mixin._createContentMarkup (<eval>:65:19110)
    at m.Mixin.mountComponent (<eval>:65:17704)
    at Object.a.mountComponent (<eval>:51:9183)
    at A.performInitialMount (<eval>:74:28049)
    at A.mountComponent (<eval>:74:26935)
    at Object.a.mountComponent (<eval>:51:9183)